Hot Vacation Spots

Top Ten Vacation Spots - Hot Vacation Spots
Each year, the list of the best places to go for vacations changes, however, we have compiled the ten most visited countries and places in the planet.
For this year, our site has picked ten of the world’s most popular and most satisfying hot vacation spots. We want to help you choose the best place to spend your well-earned break and to allow you to experience a vacation like no other for every holiday seasons. And check out the "Kids Stay & Eat Free on Vacation"
Here are the places that made our list:

Home for the many of the world’s masters in the arts-fashion capital of the world, the beautiful country of Italy is famous for its ancient treasures. The landmarks that have stood centuries are evident of its ancient history and world famous artistry, which makes it worth visiting.

2. France:
France is famous for its museums and collections of original masterpieces made by the world’s masters in the arts and music. Aside from Paris, the country is also famous for its vibrant culture. Southern France is, of course, amazing! More of France...
3. Cambodia:
Cambodia is known to be a sacred and magnificent place, offering a memorable Asian vacation experience. Being one of the World’s Heritage Site, the place managed to preserve its complex of ancient temples, many of which are allowed to be visited and even pictured by local as well as foreign tourists.
4. Aruba:
The Hi-Winds Amateur World Challenge Surfing is held at the shores of Aruba during the month of June. Not only is it tagged as a “Happy Island” because of its vibrant culture, it has more than just its fine beaches to offer. Now you can check out the All-Inclusive Caribbean Vacations.
5. Mexico:
Aside from Egypt, Mexico also has its ancient ruins and pyramids to satiate the tourists’ curiosity on ancient civilizations. Aside from that, the country is also famous for its sinful delicacies and dishes, being a combination of Spanish, French and Lebanese culinary artistry. More Mexico...
6. The Cooks Island:
The Cooks Island, in the South Pacific, is one of the perfect hot vacation spots for people who want to spend a beach holiday during winter seasons. This is a popular destination among European travelers primarily because a pound is stringer than the New Zealand dollar.
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Monte Carlo is famous for one grand occasion, the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Although the place is known to be expensive especially during the week of the race, it offers luxurious and exclusive accommodations for the world’s high-end class of travelers.
8. Zambia:
Zambia is a territory in the continent of Africa that has been stirring travel pages because many tourists have raved about the family safaris that it offers. What makes Zambia better than other safari destinations such as Kenya, Tanzania and Botswana is the cost. Where is Zambia?
9. Togo & Benin:
The Togo and Benin, in West Africa, is suggested as the best vacation spot to actually witness a completely different image of Africa. These Two hot vacation spots will surely be an adventure that can be treasured for a lifetime.

The Machu Picchu in Peru is famous among hikers. This is because it takes a good hike to finally reach the sacred and mystical temples of the Incan civilizations. Many have called the place magical but what makes it great is the combination of excitement and thrill that goes in actually witnessing the ancient paradise that is one of Peru’s prides.
It's so wonderful to finally have the time to spend a holiday somewhere you can relax and have new experiences. But then, you may find trouble deciding on the best place to go!
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